Thursday, January 25, 2007

In Germany, the new year comes in with a bang!

Now that I have finished posting about our Christmastime here in Germany, it's high time I told you all about how cool New Year's Eve is here. In my opinion, in the US there's not a whole lot to look forward to on NYE. Maybe you have a party to go to, but as far as the hours leading up to a grand event, the "ball-drop" just doesn't do a whole lot for me. Not the case here!

In Germany, NYE is mass chaos, and it's well worth waiting up for the big show: children and drunken adults, with little-to-no safety training in the use of pyrotechnics, setting off fireworks they purchased at the dollar store the day before, on, no joke, every single street corner of the entire city. It's mayhem, and it's great!

I put a video of what this craziness looks like from a high vantage point. You can see explosions of color and light going off all over the city, all at once. Be sure to watch it with the sound on to get the "war zone" feel of the whole thing. The video is only a couple of minutes long, but the actual event went on for at least 2 hours. Man, you get a couple of beers in people, and they just go wild! :)


amorgan said...

Holy crap! If that happened here we would have to sedate Masha. What did Miss Zulu think of the evening?!

Weltreisender said...

Zulu seems to take everything in, she was fine. Really I think she doesn't know any better though. :)