Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Identity Crisis

How Ironic; right now I'm living the life of an American in Deutchland. I was doing really well assimilating into Deutchkulture for the past five months, and then the inevitable happened - I got a job related to the US Government. One week I'm walking in Deutchland and talking German, the next week I find myself in Little America walking the walk and talking the talk you know oh-so-well.

At least the word Dude reentered my vernacular.. oh how I missed you, Dude.

Although, I'm not exactly American. I work in Little America, but as far as my access is concerned, I am not able to purchase goods (food, clothes, gas, etc) like other Americans. That's because I'm an Amerikaner, or an American working as a German. The German Gov't says so, because they want my tax dollars to pay for the services I use. Okay, I can respect that for now, but I hope someday that I can legally purchase goods in the many Little Americas dimpled throughout these knobby hills. If I weren't an Amerikaner, but a true American, I wouldn't be required to pay any taxes whatsoever. How cool is that? Well, cool for those of you who qualify. I'm just happy to be here.. and have a job that's challenging.

As usual, I'm working too much. It's just a habit. I love solving problems! And blogging isn't problem-solving.. not usually anyway.

And just as our C-Town friend Em returned to the Windy, WAW should be on the way here after a romantic stint in .. Rainy London. ;) Get your arse over here, WAW. It's my turn to show someone around!!

And for the rest of you, Pony Up, yah? I may not have any more vacation time left, but thanks to friends, family and the semi-weekly wanderings, we know of a LOT to do around here. Besides, I just bought all this beer not remembering when Em was leaving.. and, well, we just need some help with it all.. y'know?

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