Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Jack is BACK

In my glory days, I was 17, worked at Worst Buy, and occassionally received free copies of various computer programs from software company representatives. Among the top of the list were games like 7th Level's Monty Python and the Holy Grail - funny, totally new, and with HUGE replayability (ie, you could play it over and over without getting bored). Believe it or not, I'd never known Monty Python and this started a burgeoning love with British humor and Monty Python's interesting directions. But I digress.

One freebie in particular started an all-points-bulletin revolution. I'm talkin about neverending night parties, with both friends and families. This badboy even included stickers you put on your keyboard as an eternal brand signifying to visitors that you're both part of the elite YDKJ clan. This may be the most popular game that everybody never heard about. And it goes something like this:


It slipped away once, don't let it happen again. Go home and plug this address in your browser window:

You can play some, you can buy them, just don't complain about how much they cost because you can't put a price on history, baby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited about Jack again! I found the site earlier this week and have been trying to find out more about the it (more games? a new game?), so I'm glad to see you've posted about it. I sent an email to Jellyvision and they answered saying "the Daily Dis or Dat is only the tip of the iceberg." (It's funny that you mention stickers. They said they have stickers and T-shirts coming soon.)

My favorite game so far (and I think the hardest one too) is Mauling at the Mall and even though the picture is REALLY gross, I like this one too In your doo or in deep doo.