Sunday, October 29, 2006

I want to ride my bicycle, Sherlock Style

Life sans car is good, IMHO, and I feel we're adapting to this nicely. Over the past week we've pedded at least 10 miles. I don't mind, because you gain not just time to think but also a greater familiarity with the environment (bring it, EB). But boy oh boy do I miss my bicycle. Wouldntchaknowit, I can't speak nor write a lick of German, so locating forums for local bicyclists is somewhat difficult. Ich erlerne, aber es dauert Zeit, damnit! Babbelfish only takes you so far.

Luckily there are oodles of bikes here at MPI that appear to lack owners. Today I begin my attempt to locate an abandoned bicycle. I will find one, oh yes, I will find one. And when I do, I'm going to mount my GPS to the handlebar so I don't get lost. At least I'll look super sexy - white-and-nerdy-style.

This goes out to my Homie Joe.

1 comment:

Goritos said...

Ok, you both are white and nerdy. If I could get Charliehorse away from the NOVA debate on black holes in the middle of some constellation, he'd sample your beer post, but "No," he is lost in that space inhabited by Capt Kirk.
He will be interested in the 5000 biers, guten tag.