Friday, October 27, 2006

Check out our new pad!

In case there was going to be any doubt, we are officially residents of Germany. We signed a lease on an apartment yesterday. Seriously, we got so lucky to find a place so quickly. It's walking distance to the lab and we have a very nice landlord. He doesn't speak any English, but we've been mustering broken conversations in German with some success. He lives in the first floor of the house, our apartment is on the second floor, and there's a Russian guy upstairs from us. I posted some pics so you kids can see it. Let us know if you have time to come over for dinner. :)

To see the rest of the pics, click here.


Anonymous said...

Hey, this looks GREAT!!! A lot of room and very very nice!!! So glad you guys found something so quickly, now you can get settled in and enjoy life!!!!

Love you both!!!

Goritos said...

Dad and I are just wondering if you will get Miss ZOOOOO a Halloween outfit and some bling from Jacob the Jeweler before you go out pimpen the ride!! Funny bunny!!

We love the pics and think the house is homey and welcoming. Do I recognize those curtains or were they already there?


Anonymous said...

Hallo ihr beiden. Hier eine kleine Deutschübung. Schön dass ihr gut angekommen seid. Die Wohnung sieht sehr gemütlich aus und der Garten traumhaft. Habe einen neuen Mitbewohner. Eine kleine Maus. Sie wohnt in meinem Herd und verspeißt meinen leckeren Käse. Für mich bleibt aber auch noch ein wenig übrig :-)

Liebe Grüße