Thursday, June 28, 2007

Only took 8 months to get my 15 seconds...

I guess you may not have heard yet, but I'm totally famous. That's right my friends, I was on the news in Germany. Not like I say anything in the news segment, or even look at the camera, but those phone calls from Hollywood will be coming any day now. I can feel it.

If you wanna check it out, I posted it below. Basically, my boss is leaving MPI to take a job at this Leibniz Institute, and the local news there made a little featurette about him becoming the new director. I happen to be in the background with other co-workers, since we were there taking a tour of the labs when the guy came to film the segment. Oh, I'm special alright. :)

News clip about the Leibniz Institut in Saarbrücken


emily van hook said...

Nice. You look AMAZING! I totally heard you laughing. Here come the calls...

amorgan said...

Fantastic! Looks like you'll be gracing the silver screen any day now!

Goritos said...

I hear your laugh; now, where is the girl in the pink feather boa?