Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Mohawk Duckies

Wow. Things have been busy lately. Andy started a new job two weeks ago, and has been acclimating to his new position. I've been working on an application for a fellowship and other work stuff. With all of our real life responsibilities, it's been kinda hard to find the time to do random fun things...

Well, all of that humdrum vanished when my friend Emily from high school arrived last Thursday. We've been doing all kinds of fun stuff since she got here: a trip to the opera, visiting Tubingen, hiking on trails, eating Wiener Schnitzel, drinking German beer, experiencing Strassburg, you name it. I'm sure that soon I will get some pictures up of our various adventures, but until then I will post a picture of these cool duckies that we saw at Barensee on Sunday. They almost look like the have little duckie Mohawks on the backs of their necks. Very cool. Turns out they're Mandarin Ducks...at least according to Wikipedia. :)

Mohawk Duckies

1 comment:

Goritos said...

Absolutely gorgeous little quacks!!! I want to wear his colors!! ;-)