Friday, February 02, 2007

Which Gender is your Toothbrush?

I read just the other day a headline that [sic] "Bilingualism offsets dementia." I sure hope that's true, because I'm starting to recall why I shied away from learning languages a decade ago (which, by the way, I never really learned beyond "hola!" "Que Tal!" or "Quieres?" which I use for pretty much every response irregardless of it's true value).

Here are a few quick thoughts about learning languages in a classroom (again). And incase you're wondering, I've just taken a moment from my studies to procra.. err write my loyal readers.. And yes, I know it's Friday night.

(1) Every time the teacher calls on me to answer a question, I have no idea whatsoever what I'm supposed to say. BUT, I can answer EVERYONE else's questions. Is there a psychologist in the house? I think I need to talk to someone about this.

(2) Languages are incredibly fun to learn. It's the only time you can "accidentally" say "Good afternoon, I speak with your fruits" and actually get away with it. And no, it doesn't make any more sense in German although it may make sense to Borat. (Guten Tag, ich spreche mit deine Obst) :)

(3) Finally, learning a new language makes you realise how little you know of your Mother Tongue. Seriously.. do any of you understand the Accusative vs Genative vs Dative cases? If you do, I'm hiring.. five bucks an hour, plus I'll send fun German candies. :) I took Latin for a stint in College, but I don't remember getting into that stuff nearly as quickly. Which is why I probably only remember how to say, Salve, Magister (Hello, Teacher). So much for the good stuff. But I now understand (remember?) exactly where I put the modal verb versus the infinitive verb versus the time / location / why in a sentence. At least in German, anyway. Woohoo!

Ta Ta for Now, my lovelies. I have to go figure out what gefaehrlich means.


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